Over the last few months I’ve had a long-running MOC project designing and building machine tools to go in my engine maintenance shed and I’ve been promising to release instructions for some of the models for ages.
So, I had a bit of free time today to sit down and take a look at recreating a model digitally. I’m a complete noob when it comes to digital building but Studio is pretty easy to pick up. This lathe was the first model I built to go in the shed and as with most of my designs, it’s a hodge-podge of inspiration from various sources.
Images are below, or you can download a PDF of the instructions.
Now that I’ve got the hang of Stud.io, I’ll probably re-work the truck from a couple of days ago. Eventually I’ll release instructions for the rest of the machine tools too, but some are a lot more fiddly than the lathe, or use unavailable parts. If anyone knows how to separate a steering wheel column, please let me know!